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Renting Out Your Home in Atlanta: Everything You Should Consider

Renting Out Your Home in Atlanta: Everything You Should Consider
Renting out your house in Atlanta is a great idea if you want to earn additional income. After all, the Atlanta rental market is one of the most lucrative markets in the United States.  With its thriving economy and strong job market, its population is continuously growing year after year. With new residents coming, the need for housing is also rising.  While investing in rental properties is generally a good idea, there are several terms you should know and a number of things that you need to take into account before you start with this venture.  As a landlord, you should know the duties and responsibilities that are involved with owning a rental property. It’s important to be prepared to handle all the day-to-day tasks of being a landlord.  If you’re a new rental property owner in Atlanta, or you’re planning to become one, it’s best to know what can help you become a successful landlord.  Here are a few effective tips to help you prepare for your rental business:

Know the Responsibilities Involved in Owning a Rental Property

As mentioned, there are several duties and responsibilities associated with owning a rental home. Rental property owners should ensure that they comply with the local laws and regulations governing rental businesses in the city, as well as with the state’s laws.  For instance, Georgia law requires landlords to provide a habitable place of dwelling. This means they need to maintain the condition of the rental properties and make the necessary repairs. Landlords are recommended to conduct regular property inspections to ensure that the rental home remains in top condition.  Rent-Appeal-Atlanta-property-inspection Landlords also need to maintain a good rapport with their tenants. Satisfied tenants tend to stay longer in the property. This lessens your risk of getting the property vacated prematurely. It’s important to perform your duties as stipulated in the lease to avoid any future problems. Besides that, landlords also need to market their property as soon as they’re vacated. A vacant rental property isn’t generating income, so you don’t want yours to stay vacant for too long.  You need to screen your tenants carefully to ensure that you end up with responsible renters. You also need to collect rent and pay for expenses such as insurance and taxes. 

Understand the Landlord-Tenant Law in Georgia

The Georgia landlord-tenant law was established to regulate the rental business in the state. As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to understand the law and ensure that you stay in compliance.  In Georgia, landlords are allowed to require tenants to pay a security deposit. There’s no maximum limit required. The security deposit, however, must be returned to the tenants within 30 days after the tenants move out of the unit.  Failure to do so may result in hefty fines. In this case, the landlord may be liable to pay the renter three times the original amount of the deposit. It’s important to stay updated on the Georgia security deposit laws in order to avoid such incidents.  Aside from the landlord-tenant law, you should also know the rules under the Fair Housing Act.   Rent-Appeal-Atlanta-lock-security-deposit The Fair Housing Act aims to protect tenants from housing discrimination based on various factors, including race, skin color, nationality, sex, religion, and familial status. Georgia does not have any additional protections for other groups not mentioned above.

Prepare the Property for Marketing

To be a successful landlord, it’s important to make your property look appealing to renters. In order to do this, you should ensure that your property is ready for staging.  This means that you need to perform the necessary renovations and improvements to make the property attractive. Performing improvements can increase the value of your rental unit, allowing you to earn more income from rent. You should also think about what amenities you can offer to tenants to make your rental unit stand out among the competition. For example, consider whether or not to include the utilities in the rent. You should also consider if you should furnish the property or not, depending on your target market.

Screen Your Tenants Thoroughly

Dealing with problematic tenants can cause a lot of stress, not to mention financial losses too. To avoid this, it’s best to screen your tenants carefully before you accept them.  Performing a thorough screening process is important so that you won’t risk having to handle issues caused by irresponsible tenants. As a landlord, you need to perform background and credit checks to ensure that the tenants you accept have the financial capability to pay their rent on time.  Rent-Appeal-Atlanta-tenant-screening Also, verify their past tenancies to see if they were involved in any legal issues, including evictions. As much as possible, talk to their past landlords and neighbors to know if they encountered any problems with the tenants before.  Having a tenant screening checklist on hand is useful to ensure the entire process goes smoothly.

Work With a Professional Property Manager

We’ve established that being a landlord comes with a lot of tasks. This is why working with a professional property manager is recommended.  Professional property managers will handle your day-to-day tasks on your behalf. This includes dealing with tenants and addressing their concerns.  Property managers will be the ones to inspect the property to determine any potential issues, and they attend to the issues as soon as possible, preventing any further damages that may lead to costly repairs.  You also won’t need to take emergency calls from tenants for any urgent repair requests, because property managers will be the ones to handle these for you.  On top of that, property managers will take care of the marketing and tenant screening process to ensure that your property gets occupied in no time, so it can start generating income. 


As a landlord, these tips will help you prepare to rent your house out to tenants in Atlanta. Still have questions? Make sure to work with an experienced property management company! Rent Appeal is a rental property management company in Atlanta that has the knowledge and expertise to help you run your rental properties smoothly. Contact us today to get started! Disclaimer: This blog should not be used as a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state. Laws change, and this post might not be updated at the time of your reading. Please contact us for any questions you have in regards to this content or any other aspect of your property management needs.  